Monday, July 30, 2012

Word a Week Illustration #3: Supervillain

Meet Tanya Victera.

I had her whole back story typed up, but it's pretty darn long, so I decided not to post it. I might post it another time, but for now, here's a sort of summary:

A child prodigy, she quickly mastered several forms of martial arts and is quite the marksman with firearms at the young age of nine. She's not a super villain, but she suffered a traumatic childhood and she is out to set the world on fire and watch it burn.

Yep... Looking at it now, there are some changes that need to be made, but overall, I don't think I'm very disappointed. Maybe just a little :P

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I think you said you didn't feel like she's a child much. I think she reads as a child but if you want more visuals for that, IMHO, perhaps fatter cheeks in that her face doesn't narrow to her chin as fast. Maybe also give her baby fat throughout her body. Not saying that there aren't some style/children that as lean as this. Just my opinion.
